Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Nochebuena y Navidad, ¡Felicidades!


Llegó el dia de Nochebuena y con el muchas emociones y expectativas.  Redescubrir la Navidad a través de los ojos de mi Gabo ha sido toda una experiencia.  Cuando era solo un bebé (era mejor porque no opinaba) Santa le traía juguetes de bebé.  Y era bien fácil porque los bebés se entretienen con cualquier cosa.

A medida ha hido creciendo, ya tiene 4, he tratado fuertemente de enseñarle que la Navidad no es solamente juguetes.  Solamente no, la Navidad NO es juguetes.  Cuando cumplió 3 añitos, comenzó a exigir lo que le gusta, tal y cual carrito, y aquel castillo, y el otro juguete y asi por el estilo.

Lo estoy enseñando a tener humildad, amor, a no tener prejuicios.  A reconocer que aunque no tenemos lujos, somos bienaventurados.  Que las cosas materiales no son todo.  Para este año le dije que cuando Santa traiga los nuevos juguetes, adoptaremos una nueva filosofía.  Por cada juguete nuevo, uno anterior se le donará a un niño necesitado.  Mamá pero por qué, pregunta.  Porque Santa necesita ayudantes en todo el mundo que se compadezcan de los más necesitados y sean agradecidos por lo que tienen.

Este año, su papá puso el odioso árbol de embuste que compró el año pasado, muy a mi pesar pues yo quería uno de verdad.  Desde el punto de vista ecoamigable esta bien, no contribuimos a la tala de pinos, pero para mi es una cuestión de costumbre, de aroma, de estética.  Y a pesar de que no me encontré motivada para decorarlo, aunque su papa me pidió que lo hiciera, Gabo lo tomó como su proyecto.  Le desenvolví todas las decoraciones y poco a poco las fue poniendo.  Claro no era para un photo shoot, pero su cara llena emoción no tiene precio.  Como lamento no haberle sacado una foto.

Hace unos dias recibió por correo una carta de Santa desde el Polo Norte.  Tan pronto vio el sobre rojo y papá le dijo que era para él, la emoción fue tanta que vino corriendo con la carta para que la abrieramos.  Ibamos a salir y él no dejaba de correr de la emoción porque quería saber que le decía Santa.  Le leí la carta que muy convenientemente decía que se siguiera portando bien y obedeciendo a mami y papi, que se lavara los dientes todos los dias y que tiene que dormir siesta y acostarse temprano por la noche.  Como buen niño todo lo ha acatado sin cuestionar, porque son las instrucciones de Santa.

Quiere hornear las galletitas y srvir la leche para los venados, según solicitado por Santa en la misiva.  Y quiere quedarse a dormir en casa de su primo para enseñarle la carta que Santa le envió y abrir regalos juntos, porque quiere compartir. 

Pero más que nada quiere contarle a todos que celebramos a Jesús, y que EL es su amigo.  El habla todos los dias con Papá Dios, se pone la mano en la oreja como un celular y le cuenta a Dios todo lo que esta haciendo varias veces al dia.  Y por la noche demuestra su agradecimiento, cuando dice "Mamá Bella, la pasé bien" y hacemos nuestra oración.

Siempre va querer sus regalos, pero mamá le recuerda que aunque reciba lo que quiere, el regalo más grande está es su corazoncito porque esa es la casa de Jesús.  Y siempre le saco una sonrisa.

Sin más, ni más.

Que la pasen bonito junto a sus seres queridos y tengan una Nochebuena llena de buena comida, buena bebida, buena compañía, pero sobretodo llena de amor y de la presencia de nuestro Señor.

Gabo con Santa y su novia, la Reina Elsa de Arondale. 

Muchas felicidades y bendiciones.

Lucy y Gabo

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Zumba gratis... dónde firmo


Como les conté en el post anterior estoy caminando con mi Gabo en el Parque Lineal y nos dimos cuenta que se reúne una clase de Zumba.  Se veía de lo más chevere, pero de lejitos.  Seguimos caminando y los vimos de nuevo.

Resulta que se reunen dos veces a la semana.  Genial.  Si te gusta el Zumba.  A mí no es que no me guste.  Es que es desconocido para mí.  Y pensarás con los años que la gente lleva haciendo Zumba y yo que pensé que lo inventó Mr. Peabody.  Me daba miedo, más bien terror.

Y si hago el ridículo, y si me caigo.  Hay que saber bailar para hacer Zumba.  Todas esas personas llevan mucho tiempo haciendolo.  Ya están coreografiadas.  No conozco la rutina.  Se ve intenso.  En fin, un sinnúmero de dudas y preguntas me asaltaron y llevo años posponiendo la idea de tomar una clase de Zumba.

Pues resulta que acá son gratis y Mr. Peabody no tuvo nada que ver en el proceso.  Y como de repente me creo SuperMom y estoy levantandome poco a poco de las cenizas que quedaron como el ave fénix, decidí que he vivido muchos años poniendo excusas en mi camino para no hacer tal o cual cosa.  Ya es hora de que el miedo no me siga paralizando, y empezar a caminar.

Las dudas volvieron a mi a medida caminaba desde La Cambija hasta el gazebo donde es la clase.  Las fui contestando todas.  Me rio de mi misma, me levanto si me caigo, saco el polvo a los pasos de baile que alguna vez aprendi, me aprendo la rutina, voy a mi paso, etc. etc.

Cuando llegue al gazebo ya la clase había comenzado.  Como no conozco la dinámica estuve a punto de irme, pero estaba llegando una señora y le pregunté.  Me dijo bien fácil "te integras y ya".

Y así fue.  Me integer y ya.  Mi primera clase de Zumba.  No me cai, probablemente hice el ridículo pero de seguro no fui la unica.  No se la rutina y me perdi varias veces, pero observé y rápido caí en tiempo.  Descubrí que estoy totalmente fuera de forma, salí que no valía ni un chavo prieto.  El dolor y la quemazón en los músculos:  intenso.  No pain no gain, right. 

El nivel de energía: spectacular.  Cuando sentí que ya no podia más bajé un poco la intensidad pero no me quite.  Terminé sudá y apestosa, como nunca, con dolor hasta en el pelo, pero con ganas de más.  Quizas es la emoción de algo nuevo, el tiempo dirá.  Por el momento estoy loca por la próxima clase.  Lo major de todo... es gratis.


"Mamá bella, este es mi ratito contigo..."


Hace dos semanas recibí una notificación por correo de la nutricionista del HS de Gabo.  En la misma me indica que en los cernimientos realizados en octubre se refleja que Gabo está en la percetila 95 de obesidad.  No importa que mide lo mismo que un niño de 6 años y que es un niño bien activo. Es un niño obeso, según una tabla que la nutricionista utiliza como guía.  Y que la debe usar para ella también para su propia referencia.

Anyway, lo llevé al pediatra para su chequeo y le comenté al doctor la situación de su peso.  El doctor verificó la tabla, que resulta ser la misma de la nutricionista (debo inventar la mia y de seguro caigo en la percentile de modelo, en la real ni remotamente), por la tabla mi hijo está en la percentila 97 en peso con 53 hermosas libras y en la misma percentila con 3' 81/2'' de estatura.  En las palabras del doctor, lo que lo "ayuda es la altura porque sino sería una bolita".  Se creó un plan de trabajo para su alimentación por 30 dias y el doctor lo evaluará en enero nuevamente.

De repente vino a mi mente un comentario que le hizo a su papá una enfermera en el Fondo hace unos meses atrás "Padres gordos crian niños gordos".  No importa que estoy pendiente de que coma lo mas balanceado posible y sea activo.  Gabo tiene 8 libras de sobrepeso, de verano a esta fecha aumentó 5 y con la separación de sus papás (quizás ambos sobrecompensamos con comida) quizás es entendible.

Volviendo a hace dos semanas, un dia por la tarde mi príncipe me dice que quiere ir a correr su scooter.  Que quiere ir a correr su scooter al parque donde vamos con tio Junior.  El parque del rio de Santa Rosa.  Resulta que lo complací y empezamos a ir a caminar.  Aún cuando se enfermó recientemente quería ir a correr scooter.  Como tenía fiebre, hice mis averiguaciones y lo empaqueté bien y en lugar de correr scooter fuimos a caminar y llevé mucha agua para mantenerlo hidratado.  Así que mientras caminabamos por el Parque Lineal, mi bebé me dio la mano y me dice "Mamá bella, este es mi ratito contigo..."  Demás está decirles que me enamoró otra vez.

En estos ratitos de 90 minutos, hablamos de todo.  El me cuenta las aventuras de Optimus Prime, y como le encantó el dizfraz de pirata que mama le creó.  Como no le gusta comer carne pero le encanta comer McNuggets.  Que él es de abuela Lucette, de papá, de Whiteshadow, de abuelito Robert, de su primo Tavo, de Toby y Pepper... en fin de todos menos de mamá.  Que él es solo de mamá a la hora de dormir y cuando está enfermito porque mamá le presta la oreja y lo añueña.

En fin, hace dos semanas comenzamos a caminar.  A él le encanta porque va con su scooter de Spider Man que su papa le regaló para su cumpleaños y a mí porque lo veo feliz, además seamos honestos, caminar solo me puede beneficiar.  Con 250+ libras quizás por ayudarlo a él a estar major también me ayudo yo.  Además no nos hemos pesado ninguno de los dos pero los mahones ya quedan mas cómodos y ayer hice Zumba por primera ver, está brutal pero para otro post.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Counting my blessings

Gabo's Horn of Plenty for school.
 Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Wow, I cannot believe we are already here.  Thanksgiving Day again and as usual running behind on most everything.  I literally just put the pumpkin cheesecake in the oven (fingers crossed because I haven't done this recipe in years). 

I know for many this day is about giving thanks ( which I believe should be done all the time), I consider myself a good Christian mother.  I acknowledge my Lord in everything and granted sometimes I don't pray in a daily fashion but I always make sure to thank him for being my alarm clock in the morning and for the day I had in the evening.

I am a blessed woman and mother. 

I am blessed for everyday my Lord gives me to go out and discover His purpose for my life.

I am blessed for my son.  Some of you know my son has SPD, which made for a very rocky beginning on some of his milestones and school.  But as a wise woman once told me God does not give you things you cannot endure.  So this challenge came my way and I received it with open arms and all my heart.  Putting the Lord first in everything I do.

Being a stay-at-home mom.  Now, financially this has been very HARD.  Again, with God first we've found a way to make it work.  I have been able and blessed with seeing first hand my child's development as he has reached all his milestones on time thanks to my Lord, therapy and his hardworking teachers.  This has enabled me to carry-on at the house what he is working on at school.

Being a voluntary parent at Gabo's Head Start.  Boy have I learned a lot. When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher very badly.  Because I love children, and I love being surrounded by them.  When I was a teenager I remember telling mami that I wanted to have a huge family.  About 6 kids.  She would always laugh and tell me that wanting them and having them is not the same thing.  She is the second oldest of 7, imagine that.  But as a grew and I saw how complicated life can be, when the time came to choose a concentration for my bachelor's degree I chose to be a teacher.

Being a mom.  I can't say this enough.  And I am thankful for this event all the time.  Many times a day.  Never did I think I could possibly love someone in such an immeasurable way.  I am in complete shock, sometimes I find myself talking to Papá (the Lord) telling him how lucky I am to be Gabo's mom and sometimes I cannot find the word to describe this amazing feeling that fills all of me all the time.

My family.  We do not see eye to eye all the time and we sometimes become the Bickersons from Bickerville.  Very often actually, but that's okay because at the end of the day we are still family and I would not trade that for the world.  Now more so that mami y papi live in Miami and my sis and I  are still in Puerto Rico.

People I have met along the way... you know who you are.  I love you all and I consider myself blessed to have met you and have you in my life.

So now I am going to go, because my Gabo wants to cuddle and we still have to get ready for my family's lunch.  That's what we do, a Thanksgiving lunch son in the afternoon we can go pick a tree and start decorating although Xmas started already for some of us.  And I am thankful for that.

May your Thanksgiving festivities be full of good food, laughter, great company, love and the presence of our Lord.  Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!!  I know I will.

 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God."   1Corinthians 10:31

Till next time... make it a Thankful day.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lady... you could have killed me!!!!!!!

I am writing this post under duress.  I need to vent and let this out.  An hour ago I almost died, thanks to a reckless driver.

Today was a normal day.  I woke up and prepared Gabo for school and gathered the snowmen and the candy canes that I made for the classroom last night.  We got to school and I helped with breakfast, as usual.  I drove Gabo's dad to his appointment and went back to school. 

It was a very exciting day for me, well for everybody, because today we were receiving a new student.  when I got back, the new student was already there.  He is a child with autism.  As a parent I see this as a great learning experience for my son and his classmate.  There are other special needs children in the classroom, my son included, but he is the only one with Autism.

He is such a loving boy.  He very quickly wanted to be picked up and carried.  and I was telling him about the colors.  And the teacher started to read a story in the circle, but he wouldn't sit.  He was mesmerized by the light of the Christmas Tree.  And the desire to go back to school and finished my degree burned more than ever inside.  I was loving all this interaction with the new kid. 

As the end of the day neared, the children were taking home all the drawings and crafts that we made in November.  The teachers were handing the things to the parents and I started cleaning the classroom and gathering the materials needed to finish the snowmen for tomorrow.

In Puerto Rico the speed limit in a school zone is 15mph.   I, like a lit of parents, parked the car on the sidewalk, to avoid traffic jams, because there is no parking at the school.  So like any normal day I go out to the car and I was getting my son on his booster seat.  Out of the corner of my eye I see a brown reflection coming towards me, way faster that 15mph.  I immediately brought myself as close to the car as I could and held my son to protect him and allow the other car to go by.  All I remember is I was grazed with the rearview mirror on my lower back and I heard the commotion.  When I stood properly, I was almost missing the passenger door.  I checked that my son was okay and yelled to the person on the other car, who was parked at the corner.  The person came back, it's a 22 year old girl with no driver's license.  She is also a mom at the school.  Her reaction "I am so sorry about you car, and the door.  I can't help you because I have no license and this isn't my car."  My reaction "Oh I am  sorry you are sorry but I have to call the cops."  The lady "But I said I am sorry.  This is the second time this happens to me.  Bad things happen, can we arrange this without the cops.  I am very sorry for your car."  Mama "Lady, I don't give a damn about the car... you almost killed me.  If I didn't push myself to the inside of my car as much as I could you would have pinned me in between.  I am calling the cops".

Needless to say, she accompanied me to the precinct and to my surprise was very honest with the events.  She apologized again for the car, apparently my life wasn't important.  We filed the report and she got cited for driving without a permit and reckless driving in a school zone.

I am shaken up.  What if I hadn't catch the glimpse in the corner of my eye.  What if my son would have been standing there...

Guess tomorrow I am going to city hall to request a police officer posted there when the kids come out, AGAIN!!!  I would hate to see that they are going to wait until a tragedy does occur.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me, reading me I should say, whoever you are out there.

Till next time... make it a great day.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DIY Junior Fire Chief

Last Friday was Career Day at Gabo’s Head Start.  The kids had to go dressed up.  For the longest time my son has said that he wants to be the doctor to The President (if you ask him who that is and he’ll tell you “My cousin, Tavo”.)
Anyway, when I got the calendar and I saw Career Day programmed I knew what we were going to make our own.  Everything seemed fine and I was cool because making a doctor white coat is not something complicated (thank you 8th grade home economics).  Thursday morning my son threw me a major curve ball.  “Mamá, I want to be a firefighter!, he said to me when his father and I were dropping him off at school.  I was shocked “What! Didn’t you want to be a doctor? What happened?", I said .  "My friends are all going to be firefighters and I want to be a firefighter too” he said and I looked at his dad and thought “Wow, he just took a major pay cut”, but then again I believe in encouraging whatever dreams he has.  I don’t usually go buy new costumes or things for his activities unless absolutely necessary, I believe in being creative and recycling everything and anything. 

This time was no different like all the previous times, except I was freaking out with how pressed for time we were and I actually consider spending $30.00 on a costume that he was very likely not going to wear again.  So I went to Pinterest for inspiration on a DIY fireman costume and helmet; and sure enough there is a lot of inspiration some more intricate than others but all doable.   Eureka!!! I found a super-duper easy, out of this world cheap, way to make him look like a firefighter with a recycled helmet.  I found inspiration for a DIY Fireman Shirt, thanks to Kelsey from Fancy That Notion.

Her project seemed so simple and quick.  So we went to the store and I bought a black shirt, but I do not find acrylic paint in the colors I was looking for.  So as we are browsing through the store, his dad came across duct tape. Not the standard Duct Tape, but in a lot of colors and widths.  So we found this super bright yellow one that kind of looks like reflective tape and it served the purpose.  We also did the logo and the hat's shield out of the tape.

The hat and the letters are completely recycled.  I had a cardboard box like around the house. The first attempt was with a paper plate that I measured around my son's head, but guess what... he has a HUGE head.  He always has, it measured 14 1/2 inches when he was born, on Thursday it measured 21 3/4 inches (still Huge).  Anyway I didn't like how it looked.  So I came across the cardboard that I was saving for something (don't remember what), I cut out something that resembles an oval big enough to fit Gabo's head and still have a little left on the side of the head.  The idea came because I remembered that Oriental Trading has a Fireman Hat Kit, but I didn't have time to ordered it.  I cut the a hole in the center close to his measurements and then measured again to adjust.  I painted it red with acrylic color.
The red letters for the logo and the shield I made them with a paper plate that I painted the same red as the hat and cut them out.  The border of the logo and the FD I just painted with a black sharpie.
Now, I don't know if the tape will hold in the washer (probably not, I'll update you).  But my son was so HAPPY with his Fireman Shirt.  Whereas most parents bought a costume my son made it clear that his costume was made by his Mamá. I was so proud, he had something unique.  Now, he loved it do much that I will tackle Kelsey's idea with the paint, because he wants to wear it all the time.
There you have it, $7.00 and 2 1/2 hours later (paint had to dry) we had a Fireman shirt and I saved $23.00, very, very happy with that.
Thank you Kelsey for inspiring me...
Until next time...Make it a great day!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gabo: "Pues tú te quedas y yo me voy con mi papá."

No sé cuántos de ustedes han tenido la oportunidad de ir al cine con sus familias a ver la película Big Hero 6.  Yo estoy loca por verla y no he podido.  No por las razones que quizas puedas pensar sino por una aún más fuerte, mi Gabo está aterrado del muñeco de la película a quien ha llamado Ballooney.  No puede ni ver los cortos sin que le de terror (gracias a Dios que la película ya empezó y casi no hay cortos en TV).

Resulta que ayer ibamos en el carro Gabo de 4 años, su papá y yo (edades anónimas por favor y gracias).  Estabamos hablando de las películas que queremos ir a ver y yo comento que quiero ver Big Hero 6...

Gabo:  NO! No, no, no.  Mamá no puedes ver esa porque Ballooney es malo.  Dile a papá que no la baje.

Mamá: Pero yo la quiero ver.  Además Ballooney es el bueno, él proteje al nene y usa el traje rojo como si fuera Iron Man.

Gabo: Pero mamá a mí no me encanta Big Hero 6.  Papá no lleves a mamá a verla.

Papá:  Luis, Balloney es bueno, el es el amigo del nene...

Mamá:  Tú le tienes miedo al malo, no a Balloney.  Balloney es el bueno.

Gabo: Te dije que no quiero ver a Balloney, quiero ver a Mamamasgar (The penguins of Madagascar).

En este punto pensé que podría convencerlo... Jaja.

Mamá: Pero mamá no quiere ver a Madagascar, quiero ver a Balloney...

Gabo: Pues me dejas con abuela y vas a ver a Balloney y después vamos a ver a Mamamasgar...

Mamá:  Pero a mamá le da miedo los pinguinos.  No podemos ver a Madagascar.

Gabo:  Pero mamá los pinguinos son buenos y mi favorite es Skip.  Y el león de Mamamasgar es tu amigo y mi amigo y van en el avión...

Mamá: Que no los quiero ver.  Los pinguinos no son buenos, son traviesos.

Gabo: ¿Papá, verdad que los pinguinos son buenos?  Dícelo a mamá.  ¿Podemos ir a ver a Mamamasgar hoy?

Mamá:  Gabo, mamá no la quiere ver porque no me encantan los pinguinos...

Gabo:  Yo te tapo los ojitos para que no te asustes.  Yo te defiendo de los pinguinos.

Mamá:  Pues hagamos un trato... tú vas a ver Big Hero 6 con mamá y yo voy a ver a Madagascar contigo.

Gabo: No mamá no.  No quiero ver a Balloney, ya te lo dije.

Mamá: Pues yo no quiero ver Madagascar, ya te dije.

Gabo: Mamá pues te dejo en casa de abuela y me voy solo con mi papa a ver Mamamasgar y después te busco...

Evidentemente rompimos en risa su papa y yo.  Me tomó totalmente por sorpresa.  La psicología que traté de hacerle me la estaba hacienda él a mí.  Es que si no fuera tan bello...

¿Qué aprendí?...  La psicología no funcionó con mi hijo.  Resultó más inteligente de lo que me esperaba.

¿Qué te han dicho recientemente tus chicos que te ha tomado por sorpresa?

Hasta el próximo dia... Make it a great day.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Countdown 2015... 85 days and I'm thinking sugar-free

Since I am not yet recovered from the terrible news of my weight and I did say I would act rather than pity myself, I did what any person in my situation would have done.  Went to Google to research.  Let me say, it is overwhelming the amount of information that is out there.  So I came across a couple of websites and articles and blogs about going sugar-free. I also saw some about low-carb, but that will be another post.

I admit, the thought of going sugar-free is completely unknown to me... I am a baker.  Everything I do is packed in sugar, cakes, puddings, cupcakes, frostings, glazes, tarts, and the list goes on and on.  So there has to be a way. 

Today is my first day, and this morning rather than have my usual scrambled eggs with fries and ketchup, I just had the scrambled eggs loaded in veggies and just one ounce of sharp white cheddar cheese (hey... baby steps).  That was at 9:30am and it is 11:00am right now (Puerto Rico Time) and I am feeling okay.  Still craving my fries but overall all-right. 

In addition to this I have made the conscious decision of giving up on soft drinks (this is probably just the excitement talking, but I will try to always choose water or 100% juice when available).  Dairy wise I already switched a couple months ago to Almond Milk, I just can't seem to leave cheese (I am a rat after all) in any of its forms.  I love my cheese.

So I am thinking I can do 100 days of sugar-free eating, which I think requires a lot of organization because menu planning takes a LONG time.  And I have tried it but, let's face it, I am not patient enough.  It seems as though menu planning is in the end what will help me achieve this.  Ok, so 100 days, but there are 85 days left in 2014 so this plan will extend itself until January 15, 2015.  And Thanksgiving and Christmas is right in the middle of it.  It's like I want to boycott myself.

Can I pull this off???  I guess you have to come back and see...

Have you tried sugar-free?  What was your experience?  I need all the help I can get.

Until next time...make it a great day.


Monday, October 6, 2014

86 days to go and two hundred WHAT???

I finally got to the mall today.  Visited one of those stores with vitamins because they have this scale that measures everything for a dollar.  Cheap right?

Oh! before I forget I found a picture of my Rocco.  He is the one sitting down, the one laying down is lazy Toby.  This was taken on a bath day a couple months ago.  Wasn't he cute???

Ok.  Stop deviating from the subject.

Like I told you last Saturday on my resolutions post Countdown to 2015... 88 days, last time I weighed myself was about a year ago and I was around 267 pounds.  So today after a few inconveniences I got myself to the mall very proudly and ready because ''there is no way I can go any higher, right?"  WRONG!!!!  I got the evidence to prove that I did go higher.  I almost had a panic attack.

"This is what happens when you keep stuffing you face at night.  What are you going to do and xmas is around the corner.  And you have a baby.  You are actually carrying another person with you at all times.  This has to come to an end."  All this thoughts came to my head as soon as I read the results.  In case the picture isn't clear enough I will break it down for you.  It states the following:

On 10/06/2014 @ 14:37

Weight:            277.1 lbs.
Height:             5' 6.8''

BMI:                43

Less than 19:   Underweight
19-25:              Normal
Over 25:          Overweight

Ideal weight for a BMI 19-25 is:

121.0 lbs. to 159.2 lbs.

Fat percentage:  41%
Fat mass:           113.5 lbs.
Age:                   30 yrs.

Recommended fat percentages

Excellent:           19.7%
Good:                 22.7%
Regular:             26.4%
Bad:                   30.5%

Contact info for the machine company

So, where do I begin?  I NEED HELP!!!  That's pretty obvious.  To be on the higher end of the suggested ideal weight I need to lose 117.9 lbs.  I mean, are you kidding me?  How did I ever let it get this bad it's beyond me.  But this is no time for self-pity.  This is a time for action.

I will not wallow on this.  I am totally responsible for stuffing my face whether it is emotional anxiety or just plain boredom.  Freaking cooking shows.  I don't know if you relate, but when I see something good in a cooking show, I immediately want to go into the kitchen to prepare it... remember the late night fried pickle binge???  I do, they were awesome and now I am carrying it in my thighs.

I mean I have always struggled with weight, but this s unacceptable.  I am not comfortable in my skin anymore.  I don't know how but immediate action is required and I am starting tomorrow. 

I am entirely open for suggestions and I would love for you to share your story.  Us women need to support each other.  One this is certain this is one instance where the saying can go "There is no other way to go but DOWN!!!"

Hope to hear from you.  Till then...

Make it a great day.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Countdown to 2015... 88 days

I am still in shock that October is already here and I haven't done more than have my resolutions for this 2014.  At the end of last year, like many of us, I was looking forward to doing all this things that I had put on paper.  2014 began and amidst all the family gatherings (in Puerto Rico we have probably the longest Christmas Season in the world.  We have the Xmas Spirit since late October lasting until almost the end of January with Las fiestas de la Calle San Sebastian), February snuck up on me and the question dawned on me "Where do I start?"

My list was not very long but it had enough resolutions to keep me busy for the whole year.  The goal was to do one per month, it didn't happen.  I wrote some of my resolutions in the January 1 post My Hopes for 2014.  Again, it didn't happen.  I think it has to do with the fact that I nor anyone else was holding me accountable for my resolutions.  I thought writing them online would, but it didn't.  So what is different now???

Well now I just realized that there are only 88 days left for me to achieve most of them.  I am at a point in my life where I have come to realize that I have to live for myself and do for myself.  No one will do it for me and at 30 years old I don't like my life very much.  So it is either change the way I see my life and make it better or go to Capestrano because I'm depressed.  Guess which one I opted for, of course the first one.  I know it will not be easy but it is cheaper and I have to do it for myself.  Not expecting any recognition other than my own.

The plan

Weight loss:  Evidently I am not going to lose all the weight I want to lose.  But I can finally start.  Last time I had weighed myself over a year ago I was at 257 pounds, and at 5' 8'' that makes me obese.  Later today I will go to the mall to weigh myself.  Later today if not tomorrow I will upload the pictures and the evidence of the weight.  and I will do a weekly weigh-in so you can see my progress.

Financially:  I have depended financially on my partner for years and it has been very tough.  I don't know if you can relate but in my experience since it was not my money I had no voice on how to spend it.  Therefore priorities in the house were very different.  That will definitely change.  I will begin my baking business, starting small at home and tutoring both English and Spanish at home, and all sorts of odd jobs that will let me continue to be with my son full time and be on my way to be independent... again.

Family:  I will make an effort to spend more quality time with my son.  And collaborate more with his school.  My plan is to homeschool him when he goes to kindergarten.  We'll see.  For now I want to be the mom that is always there and teachers can count on most of the time.  Pretty soon it will be my son and I.  We are going to be moving in with my sister for a while, let's see how that goes.   I'll let you know.

School:  I will look for small courses or workshops of Pastry as to refresh my knowledge and keep up to date with new decoration techniques.  I would love to be a Pastry teacher but for kids.  I already did a Pastry workshop for Head Start.  Who knows where that'll lead.

Faith:  This whole separation situation, having a kids with special needs and just every day can be very stressful.  I   always rely on God for support, but I am still in diapers when it comes to having faith.  I always worry and stress over the little things.  I am micromanager.  So I want to keep growing in this area.  I want to discover my purpose, because I know He has one for me.

This are the biggest 5 areas in my resolutions list for 2014.  Starting today steps will be taken to achieve them.  there are a couple other areas in my life that I have resolutions for.  And I'll tackle each and everyone of them in the remaining 88 days.  I will post progress notes on them along the way.  Until next time.

Make it a great day,


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Goodbye Rocco

Yesterday was a day of great loss for my family.  One of our dogs, Rocco, a red nose is gone.  I didn't write yesterday because I was an emotional wreck.  I spent all afternoon looking for a picture of my beautidul red nose and I couldn't find one.  What kind of pet lover am I?

I can't believe that I don't have one picture of Rocco.  It seems like yesterday when we went to pick him up.  It was a Sunday two years ago, we all got into the Lighting McQueen (that's what my son calls our car), went to pick up my bonus child and headed to our detination.  We bought him from a colleague of daddy and when I saw him it was love at first sight. 

A couple years ago when my son was around six months daddy went a got a dog, without consulting me.  I didn't want to have pets at the moment because we had a baby and I was very worried of how that would go.  I remember I got home from work and there was the dog.  Not just any dog, an American Pitbull, he was about 2 months old,  You can imagine how mad I got, specially given the fact that pitbulls bite (they are subject to very bad propaganda in Puerto Rico).  When his first vet visit came I was so glad to have someone explain daddy what a bad choice this had been. 

Boy was I wrong...

If you can imagine this.  A very cold examination room in a vet's office.  Me holding the baby in one corner, daddy holding the beast, I mean the dog in the other corner.  Me, infuriated, giving daddy  the "This isn't over, Ill get you later'' look; dad staring at me smirking with the " I'm so glad the dog is staying." and the one look I hated more that anything else the " I told you so".

According to the vet, this was the best dog daddy could have bought.  Because they are very protective of their family.  And since we bought him as a baby, the same time Gabo was a baby he would be my son's friend.  They grew together.  When I put the baby down to nap, the dog would also nap next to the baby.  When the baby cried, the dog cried.  No stranger could come near the baby without going through the dog first.  And now that my son is four, so is the dog, whenever I have to reprimand my son the dog gets in the way and pushes him out of the area.  Toby, that's the dog, changed the idea I had about pitbulls and is the reason I agreed to get Rocco.

That Sunday afternoon near the train station our Rocco got delivered to us.  We chose Rocco after a long list of possible names for a beast like him.  He was light brown, with his pink nose and the most beautiful olive green eyes you've ever seen.  He was a super hyper dog.  Probably had ADHD.  We tried training him a couple times but flies played the Alpha role in that situation.  He couldn't pay attention for more than a couple seconds before he saw a fly and had to jump to get it.  Toby spends his days easting and sleeping, Rocco would spend them chasing flies and iguanas out of the yard.  Once he bit something that didn't sit well with him, and when daddy got home at midnight he found him in a catatonic state.  He got me out of bed and we went outside with the dog, petting him and taking care of him.  Daddy said he didn't think Rocco would make it through the night, so we said our goodbyes just in case.  But in the morning he was fine.  Not this time.  Who would have thought that his being so hyper would be the reason he'd be gone today. 

He looked so peaceful.  Like he was sleeping and I pray that he didn't suffer.  My beautiful olive green eyed dog is gone forever.  It was so surreal, a couple hours before we found him, he was in the kitchen with me because I was giving his favorite treat, Carmela chicken sausages.  I no longer have a dog to fight with over being so hyper, or a dog that would cut himself lose almost daily so I would give him a treat.

How do you do it?  I still have Toby.  But he can't replace Rocco.  Do I get another dog?  Should we grieve?  How do I tell my son his dog isn't coming back?

One things is sure... he will be missed a lot.

Thank you for the memories Rocco.  We'll always remember you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Braised ribs in Cola

On Monday, I was at a doctor's appointment and you know how they usually leave old magazines for patients to read so we can all be... well, you know... patient.  Since there was no one else at the office to talk to and I like to talk I grabbed one of the magazines and went straight for the recipes.  The way I was raised, you only buy a magazine if it has good recipes on the back, something that has stuck with me and that's how I buy them.

Anyhow, I found a June 2013 Real Simple magazine and as tradition will have it, I went straight to the recipes.  Let me tell you though this is the one magazine I buy mostly for their articles.  You have seen the magazine.  Amazing articles, specially on organization (which I am definitely NOT good at) and very good reads.  Their recipes, I don't know, I guess they don't look really appealing to me.  Granted I have never made a recipe from this magazine or any other for that matter.  Who knows they are probably finger-licking good... wow, I just realized I have hundred of cutout recipes from lots of magazines since I was a teenager and I haven't made one just yet.

On page 117 of the magazine there was an article written by Dawn Perry titled There's the Rub, about rubs, marinades and sauces.  They all seemed delicious and I started imagining how they would smell in my kitchen.  And then I couldn't stop thinking about them as I moved on to other magazines.  So I did what any intelligent foodie would've done.  I went back to the magazine and tear the article, folded it, hid it in my purse, put the mag back on the table, and acted as if nothing had happened.

After the appointment I went to Costco to get milk for my son and I accidentally walked by the meat department and I saw this beautiful back ribs.  They were calling my name "Lucy, Lucy, I will go great with the Moroccan rub you want to try" they said.  I tried to ignored them, but somehow they found their way to my cart. 

Sorry, had to go pour a glass of sangria...

So I got to the house very excited to prep my ribs for yesterday's lunch.  I put the groceries away.  Cleaned out a small area in my counter ( I have a super-duper-tiny kitchen) and I started washing the ribs and placing them very carefully in a plate to wait until I prepared the rub.  As I started gathering the ingredients for the rub, guess what?  I didn't have all of them. I was very unhappy, but that wasn't going to stop me.  I tweaked the recipe a little.  I adapted and it came out great.

Ribs, cleaned and ready to be rubbed.
I will give you the original recipe from the mag, followed by the one I made up.  it will season 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of meat.  I doubled it because I was going to cook 4 pounds of ribs.

Moroccan rub
1       tablespoons sweet paprika
2       teaspoons ground ginger
1/2    teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4    teaspoon ground cloves
1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
Rubbing the meat.

1/2    teaspoon black pepper

This mama's crazy life version

Moroccan rub
1       tablespoons instant coffee
1       teaspoons ground cumin
1/2    teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4    teaspoon ground allspice
1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1/2    teaspoon black pepper

I rubbed the meat, covered it and let rest overnight. 
I rubbed the meat with a little bit of canola oil (it's what I had) and the dry rub.  Covered it and let rest overnight. 

Searing the meat.

This morning I got the biggest pot I have and preheated it until it smoked.  I added a little oil (just enough to cover the bottom) and started searing the meat in batches.  You don't want to overcrowd it (no steaming, searing).  After I was done searing I put the ribs back in the pot and went to get a glass of soda and I had an epiphany... braise the ribs in cola.  And that's how this recipe happened.

Braising the ribs low and slow
for almost 4 hours.

Braising liquid

4 cups Coca-Cola 
2 cups water
1 can tomato sauce, without salt
2 tablespoons sofrito criollo (in my house that is onion, garlic, cilantro, cilantro, equal parts in a blender with olive oil)
1/2 cup salsa, chunky, mild
2 oz red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons brown sugar

On med-low heat.  Pour Cola and water and cook covered for about 3 1/2 hours.  When the meat is tender add the rest of the ingredients, cover and let liquid cook down until it becomes a sauce.  It will get very thick and glossy.

Liquid cooked down to a sweet,
smoky, glossy sauce.  Almost like BBQ.

At my house that was lunch today.  I served them with white rice and fresh pink beans and tostones de pana.  Healthy?  I don't know.  Delish?  Yup.  YUM, YUM!!!

Have you tried recipes from magazines before.  Let me know how they came out.

Until next time,


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nuestra nueva mascota... Chet

Hola a todos.

Recientemente estuvimos visitando a mis abuelitos y mi hijo hizo un gran descubrimiento.  Cuando entramos a la casa descubrió que en el área del laundry habitaba una colonia de caracoles de tierra.  Ya se podrán imaginar por qué lo nombró Chet.  Entonces resulta que en ésta película Gabo es Turbo y Chet su mejor amigo.  Rápidamente buscó un vaso desechable (claro está!!!) y guardó a Chet hasta que llegamos a la casa.  En algún momento su titi le prometió comprarle un pez, cuando estaba en la etapa de los Bubble Guppies y quería tener su propio Mr. Grouper, pero Mr. Grouper nunca llegó.  No obstante el envase que sería el hogar de Mr. Grouper todavía estaba aquí.  Adivinen cuál es la nueva casa de Chet. 

Chet llegando al buffet.
Permítanme un paréntesis para contarles la mejor parte... mamá ODIA con alma. vida y corazón a los animals babosos, fríos y húmedos.  Razón por la cuál al principio de la vida con Papá Rosado lo primero que se estableció fue la reglas para las mascotas permitidas en la casa.  En la casa Rosado solo se consideran mascotas;

1 .perros (tenemos 3, 2 pit bulls Toby y Rocco, y Pepe, un sato bello),
2. gatos (aún ninguno pero en planes de adopción),
3. peces (ninguno poprque nadie se compromete a limpiar la pecera),
4. aves (solamente se considera la cacatúa que se llamará Cleo, cuando por fin la tengamos). 

Como vieron no hay espacio para reptiles, ni moluscos, ni roedores, ni nada exótico, ni nada fuera de los grupos anteriormente especificados.  La razón es sencilla, a excepción de tiempos recientes, el cuidado de las mascotas por lo regular recae en mama (no se si en tu casa pasa igual) y resulta que mamá le tiene ASCO y fobia y miedo y le da síntomas para visitar Capestrano cada vez que alguno de esos indeseables se le acerca.
Chet en un buffet alto en carbohidratos.  No Atkins here!!!
Con Chet rompí mi propia regla pero es la excepción (claro, porque ya hice el research sobre la especie y verifiqué que no fuera carnívoro).  Además que tantas cosas puede hacer le toma horas darle la vuelta al envase, no es cierto es más rápido de lo que pensaba.  Se pasa escapándose del envase cada vez que salimos.  Y cuando regresamos lo llamamos (como si nos escuchara) y entonteces a buscar se ha dicho.  Tiene el mejor disfraz, la mayoría de nuestro muebles son en madera y Chet es marrón. Además, que no hace una mama por sus hijos.

Chet tratando de salir de su envase.
Gabo con la boa, en playa de Dorado
Como dije anteriormente, sé que rompí mi regla sobre las mascotas.  Pero hasta ahí.  No más excepciones.  Casi me da un ataque este verano cuando Gabo y yo estabamos en la playa con su Tio Whiteshadow y a que no se imaginan lo que vio como a una milla de distancia (bueno como 15 pies, no tenía los espejuelos), nada más y nada menos que una boa como de 3 pies (podia haber sido de un millón en lo que a mí respecta).  Lo peor de la experiencia, Gabo la quería tocar y como mama está dispuesta a todo por su bebé lo llevé donde la dueña.  El respetuosamente le dice "Permiso, puedo tocar la snake???" ella dice que sí.  La toca y nos vamos él culeco y yo infartando.  Entonces sí que me la puso dificil cuando vio unos niños en la playa cogienda la condenada culebra y ya saben lo que el valiente quería hacer.  Y como mama está dispuesta a todo, allá fui (acompañada de Whiteshadow por si había que recogerme) y Gabo la cogió en sus manos con una seguridad y un temple envidiable.  Nos fuimos de la playa y adivinen lo que pidio de mascota...  Que no hace una mama por sus hijos? De seguro que no le compra una culebra.

Así que por lo pronto Bienvenido a la casa Rosado Chet.

Y tú, tienes mascotas poco tradicionales.  Me encantaría escuchar tu historia... escríbeme al email

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thank you for the memories...

Hey everyone...

It's been months since I wrote anything on my post.  I had lost the drive to do pretty much anything.  So recently I was talking to my mom and she suggested that I go back to do the things I love.  "Whatever happened to the blog?" she asked.  "It is right where I left it." I replied.  So after a lot of nagging on her part she said that the things I am passionate about, writing and baking (and wine!!!), would come back to me.  I just needed to start doing them again.

"I don't feel like writing a whole post." I said.  "Then write just a line, but WRITE." This last word of mami had a lot of weight and they have been on my mind for a couple of weeks now.

I didn't feel like writing because I had so much going on.  If you have read my previous posts you have realized to the main character in them is my handsome, bald, almost forty, adorable husband.  Well recently he became my handsome, bald, almost forty, adorable ex-husband.  I became a single parent, I walked away.  I don't want to look back, because forward is where I am headed.  Only a handful of people know that this event has taken place and they are all in shock.  Sixty-seven and a half months I shared my life with this person, who gave me the most precious gift I could have asked for, my Gabo.  Sixty-seven months of good, not-so-good, flat out terrible, amazing and some simply unforgettable life experiences.  I grew, we grew, we became a family.  But it was always me and him, never us, nothing was ever ours. He made me a wife and a mother, first to my bonus child and then to my own. I tried to learn the ropes of home and family managing, and I discover how much I admire my mom for everything she's always done so well (getting a tissue, bear with me).

I still remember the first day I saw him and the first time we talked and I will treasure those memories.  He has a Moto Moto meets John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever air to him that drives you crazy.  It wasn't all peaches and cream, but it wasn't all bad.  We kept growing, only in different directions.  Never once did I complain about this that would hurt me, hey and I am not perfect.  I can be a B (big time), but I am the first to admit it.  Never once did I say STOP or don't go.  I mostly kept quiet thinking that was the way to go.  When I united my life to this man I believed that he was the one I would grow old with, and he could have been.  But I failed in the communication department. We both had needs that were not being met by the other because we always assumed things were fine.  And they were until they were not anymore ant it was already too late.

He tried a lot.  Probably more than I did.  And I am not looking back because I am finishing that book right now with this post.  I loved that man and I know where I failed.  He knows where he failed.  The gap between us got so big, that it was impossible for us to find our way back (maybe I wasn't patient enough or maybe he wasn't), God only knows.

If you are at a crossroads, or you are always avoiding confrontation, and your answer is always fine.  If routine is making a dent in you relationship.  Please don't let the gap get bigger, talk, don't be afraid of a little argument (it will pass), if anything it might make you relationship stronger.  Make God a priority (I really failed on that one).  Talk so you are heard, this goes to men and women.  Work on maling your partner fall in love with you everyday.  I often wondered if things would have turned out different had we made more time for us as a couple not just as parents.  If instead of hanging out with his buddies he would have stayed home with me once in a while, or asked me out on a date, so he could see me as his woman, not just his baby mama... Oh, how I wondered.

To my handsome, bald, almost-forty, adorable, jordan almond lover, mancave wanter, handyman, lizard catcher, ex-husband.  Thank you for the memories.  I hope one day you can forgive everything I did or didn't do.  I already let go all the bad and forgave you.  I pray that you find your happiness.  I know God will give us the strength carry on and eventually move on.

I think it's time to be happy again.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

The handyman's personal private space


As you probably have noticed most of my posts are about my almost forty, bald and handsome husband, The Handyman.  This one is no different, since he keeps giving me stuff to write about.

The other night The Handyman and I were watching Man Caves on DIY Network.  I see these shows, because I find them very educational.  They feed the handywoman in me (so not true, there is no handywoman in me, just ask my husband).  There is a list of projects I want to tackle soon (soon as in someday, there is no rush) just because I now know I can (no I don't, but I might try).

So as we are watching, my husband is telling me about the man cave HE wants, he wants a medieval theme.  Here is a list of the items he has requested over the years, inside the () you'll see what I think to myself every time he mentions them.

Dark floors- (it should probably be stone. I don't think Kevin Costner, I mean Robin Hood had hard wood floors or tiles back then).

Black leather reclining furniture- (Sure, in this weather with mosquitoes.  I can see the headlines 'Come meet The Fly'.  Come see me when your ass sticks to the furniture and you have wings).

Popcorn maker- (You only like my kettle corn and I will NOT make every time).

Nachos machine- (Seriously, did you see a Nacho maker in Robin Hood?).

Mini fridge- (Can't you just walk to the kitchen and get soda.  And while I am at it, how much soda can you drink, really?).

72 inch TV hidden in a mirror- (What, forty-six isn't big enough?  A mirror?  Sure, let's put it up.  We'll watch it from across the street,  Hey, can we watch Robin Hood or Dirty Dancing?).

PS3- (Thank God you have it already, don't think Robing Hood did though).

Whatever new war game is trending at the moment- (Very educational.  You probably need the man cave so BamBam doesn't get exposed to them).

Light fixtures- (It is already installed in the wall, easy).

Pool Table- (You play pool?  Where do we put it?).

Gray walls- (Listen Count Dracula, dark floors, black furniture and gray walls?  You are pushing it).

My answer to his requests..."Don't you worry honey bunny, I'll go to the money giving tree in the backyard and build a second floor to the house so we can make you a man cave." (I never say this, I just nod).

So there we are.  Sitting on the bed talking about the possibilities (he's talking, I'm trying to watch the show).  All people involved in the project talk a little bit during the interview and out comes the wife of the man the are doing the man cave for.  She says something to the effect of being in favor of a man having a personal private space where they can do as they please and not bother or be bothered.  So my husband looks at me and asks me " Well, what do you have to say about that?", and I turn to him and answered "Babe, you already have that." He " Really, where?"  Me "The Bathroom".  He cracks up, obviously not expecting that answer.  To which time I said " Honey, when you close that door you have your own private space, where the baby and I (well, not the baby), at least I don't bother you and you can take as long as you want without bothering me.  So you do have a man cave.''

We finished watching the show.  The man cave was absolutely beautiful.  Then he says "Are you gonna blog about this?"  Guess he'll find out tonight.

What is your position on man caves? Share your thoughts.

Make it a great day.


Monday, January 27, 2014

The Jordan Almond Incident

Hi everybody.

I don't know if you like them, hate them, love them or just don't care much for them.  This sugar covered almonds are almost a staple in my house.  My husband just adores them, (I bet he even dreams about them, probably hoping he can be one someday.)
In my family, this (very expensive) almonds were meant for very special occasions.  We would only see them at weddings, baptisms, showers, quinceañeras, and other similar activities.  At every event the adults would get together to prepare all sort of favors for guests.  Of course the children (a.k.a my cousins and me) would steal them from the table whenever one of us would go by.  It was the forbidden candy.  We HAD to eat and we would go to all extremes to do so.  It is understandable, after all we were children, adults weren't really into them. Crazy, right?

Fast forward a few years, I am the mom and as expected I am not into them anymore.  Don't get me wrong they are delicious, but now I understand why they are a candy for special occasions. 

Five years ago I decided to start a new life with a wonderful man, my husband a.k.a. The Handyman.  Oddly enough he is nuts about the nuts.  I am guessing mostly the candy because in five years  have never, not once EVER, seen him eat an almond.  It's like he obsesses over them, at the movies Cheese Nachos, Big Soda and Jordan Almonds (I mean, what kind of a combination is that).  At the supermarket, at birthday parties, wherever he can get them.  Are they dessert?  That is not even the worst part. Ask him to share and he will give you 'The Look', every time I ask I only get three.  Three??? Are you kidding me. He is officially a Jordan Almond junkie.

The first time it seemed strange, after five years it is expected.  But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, could prepared me for the Jordan Almond stare down that took place at his niece's birthday.   On Sunday, we went to the birthday party, she turned 6 and is as adorable as ever.  The event was very nice, with family and friends and all sorts of amenities for parents and children alike.  We had the snacks area which had the usual corn chips, cheese plates, fruit plates, soda, potato chips, among other snacking goods. We also had a Candy Bar with cookies, brownies, marzipan, lollipops, candy rings, Jell-O shots and, brace yourselves, Jordan Almonds.  I knew there was a reason why The Handyman was disappearing all the time.  The afternoon went by normally, he was under control.  At the very end, people started taking their favors to leave.  At the Candy Bar they had placed cello bags at both ends so attendees could take whatever sweets they craved.  So as The Handyman was lining up to take his bag and get his beloved Jordan Almonds, a girl cut in front of him.  I mean it is okay because it is a kids birthday and she is a kid.  He is a parent who can control himself and let it go. 

The problem?  She went for the almond and thus The Incident.  Where else will you ever see an almost forty year old man (he is thirty-six and I said almost) try to stare down a ten year old who has one thing on her mind and that is candy.  I imagined it as an Old Western stand-off, where my husband would be Clint Eastwood and the little girl the punk.  One ten year old at one end of the table, my tall, bald, handsome, almost forty year old husband on the other.  Instead of guns, they had tongs.  Well, at least one of them (it wasn't my husband) had tong in had and was actually in front of the almonds (again, not my husband).  So there he is, watching in despair as the girl was filling her cello bag.  He would look at me (as if I could have done something), and he would look at her, again at me (probably pleading I would get the girl's mom, I guess, I am not telepathic), back to her. Clearly in this scenario Eastwood didn't have a chance.  Eventually, she walked away from the almonds.  And guess what, unlike him she doesn't mind sharing the almonds. She left him six almonds.  He grabbed the tongs threw then aside and poured them into the bag.  The best part of the story, when he went to eat them today he discovered that our three year old BamBam had found them and ate them all.  Isn't life sweet.

Do you or anyone you know crazy over this sweet treat?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

To be or not to be...HAPPY


Recently my husband asked me if I am happy.  I answered yes.  ''All the time?'' he asked again in disbelief.  I said yes.  "Really. How?'' he looked as if in shock.  My answer very simple, "I choose to be."  You see I am human and I also have a temper (still working on that one) and I can be a pain at times (working on that one too) and I am also a mom to a three year old (who started his terrible twos at eighteen month and it is still going).  I get stressed out like any other mom and wife, sometimes even cranky, but a few years ago I realized something that has saved me from a lot of problems.

I used to try and control everything.  I was always micromanaging everything, chores, work, exercise, relationships, my kid, the list goes on and on.  If something did not go the way I had planned, I would turn into a huge bitch.  Hey, first step is admitting it, right? 

Fast forward a few years, I no longer let things I cannot control change or affect my day in such a way that I would become hostile and offensive to other people.  Recently I started going to church and reading The Bible.  I have learned to let go.  Every night when I put my son in bed, as I am rubbing his back until he falls asleep I think about how blessed I am.  When my husband gets home with food just in case I am hungry (because he knows me so well), I know I am blessed.  When I get up in the morning, taking in that first breath in the morning I know I am blessed.

Every day I make this choice consciously and I try to abide by this decision.  Sure I get upset ( I am human), but even when this happens I sit back and look at the whole picture.  Is this upsetting moment even worth allowing it to rob me of my happiness, 9.5 out of 10 times the answer is no.  I choose to laugh with my husband and his jokes (even when they are not super funny), to rejoice in the little things, to dance, to love, to smile, to give, to forgive, to be silly, to enjoy my family. 

The way I see it, the Lord is in charge of everything in my life.  He takes care of everything and he has made it so easy that I only need to make a choice, to be happy or not to be happy.

 All in all, I choose to be Happy.

Monday, January 6, 2014

It is my turn...because I want to

Hello.  Happy Día de Reyes.

As I'm writing this I find myself in the ER sitting next to my grandfather.  Today is Jan 6, a normal routine day in many countries, but here in Puerto Rico it is a holiday.

While many families are celebrating together, mine has been taking shifts to take care of my abuelo.  I am writing this post on my Android phone with one hand.  My other hand, he has tightly held in his, as if making sure I am not going anywhere.

Since he got sick on Friday and specially today while my husband drove me here I have been thinking and remembering, and I realized I have been so lucky to have my grandparents in my life.

I was very blessed.  I got to meet my great-great grandfather on my mother's side.  I knew my great-grandfather, he passed away ten years ago.  My great-grandmother who lived 98 years passed when I was in 8th grade.  People could not believe they were still alive.  Most of my friends didn't get a chance to meet or could not remember their grandparents.  So I always wanted my children to be as blessed as I was.  Because you learn a lot about life when you spend time with people from all different generations.

I have such an amazing relationship with my grandparents.  Even today in my late twenties, I go see them everyday.  We have coffee and talk.  I love chatting with my grandad (who I'm keeping company today), even though he no longer knows who I am.  I always ask him, do you know who I am? He say you're Juana (everyone is Juana to him now) or he'll say la vecina (the neighbor).  He cries a lot, I kind of figure that he probably remember but he forget the words and he gets frustrated.

This journey with abuelo BamBam began almost 15 years ago.  But it is in the last 4 years that he has rapidly declined.  Seven years ago when my niece was born, he called her mi chulita (my darling), then my nephew was born and his mind was still here.  I really started to pray.  I asked God to give him a chance to get to know my kids.  That he would have health and some of his mind still there so that he would really know them.  In 2010 I got my answer to my prayers.  My son BamBam was born. 

For the first 2 years of BamBam's life my abuela helped take care of him.  Therefore my son spent a lot of QT with his great-grandfather.  So one day, I asked him if he knew who the baby was.  He said '' ese es el chulito''.  My grandmother used to tell me how the baby had been a blessing for my granfather because he would ask for his chulito all the time.  And when the baby was there, he would sit and watch him all day.  One day he even got the baby out of the cradle and when she walked in, he was rocking him in the chair.

He no longer remembers him.  But I make a point to visit everyday.  I want to instill in my son values of respect and taking care of others, feeling empathy and above all love. I want him to see how much I love being around them.  Maybe one day when it is his time to be a dad, he'll teach my grandkids the same.  He sees me help shower, feed, dress my grandfather and doing everything that needs to be done.  Not because I have to but because I want to.  I cannot think of a better way to honor them.

Bottom line is they took care of me.  Now it us my turn to take care of them...because I want to.

How do you honor your parents?

Above: BamBam with his great grandfather Abuelo BamBam and BamBam when he was one.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Hopes for 2014

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I hope your New Year's Eve was as exciting as mine.  This post is very important to me and my family.  Not only is it the first one of the year, it also marks a new beggining for our family.

I recently became a full-time stay-at-home mom.  Not easy and rather scary process in a way.  My husband is the one who has been in charge of full-time hands-on parenting for the last six months.  We have a 3 year old super active-never gets tired boy.  And they have developed such a bond that I find myself at a loss because my little helper only wants to do things with his dad.  So I am hoping this time with my son will allow us to reconnect again, and hopefully my son will stop calling me Linda (which is not my name by the way).

This year also marks the beggining os my mission to bring awareness of SPD to our island.  You see my son was diagnosed last year with Sensory Processing Disorder.  Where we live that is something unheard of.  If you have had a child diagnosed with such an uncommon disorder and then find yourself being stonewalled by it is not a medical disorder, and there is nothing we can do for you attitude, you know how frustrating it can be.  I am hoping to reach out to the masses somehow (still, don't have a plan-accepting suggestions) to let them know this an all too real disorder affects our everyday life and with a little planning and patience we can achieve wonders.

This year we plan on getting in shape, something we have kept putting off by putting everybody else first.  (We always make these resolution, somehow it becomes not-so-important by February).

Since now I am a stay at home mom my house should be spotless all the time (I hope).  To be honest I am not the most organized person and the rush of everyday life put having a neat and tidy house on the not-so-important to do list.

Last but not least I want to make this new adventure of being at home a success.  How can I make money working from home.  Recently someone asked me ''If time and money weren't an issue in my life, what would I do?''  I don't know, but I think it is worth thinking about it.

I wonder if there are other moms out there that can relate to this.  Need all the help I can get.  Suggestions and advice will be greatly apprecciated.

Make it a great year!!!


PS.  Sorry for any typos you may find.  English is my second language and I am writing this very early in the morning before my coffee...